Hava-Is, the Turkish union representing a large number of workers in the civil aviation sector, has returned to the ITF family several years after disaffiliating.
Unions globally are uniting to demand that Hutchison Ports do everything within its powers to set the record straight and facilitate the immediate release of jailed Indonesian trade unionist Rio Wijaya.
At a recent meeting in Bogota, Colombia in November 2019 representatives from the parties reaffirmed their commitment to collaboration and continued dialogue. The DHL/ITF LATAM Network’s primary aim is to foster cooperation and dialogue between DHL and the ITF and its affiliates across the region
The Maritime Union of New Zealand (MUNZ) Auckland Branch, with support of its national secretary Joe Fleetwood, has actively been campaigning to stop the introduction of automation in the Port of Auckland.
It is more than one-month late, but Korean truck drivers finally have the guarantee of safe rates of pay that the government promised. It is a major victory for the Korean Public Service and Transport Workers’ Union Cargo Truckers Solidarity Division (KPTU-TruckSol) that has campaigned hard for a
The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) welcomes the Indonesian government’s decision to sack the chief executive officer and board of Garuda Indonesia after the most recent allegations of serious corruption at the airline. However, the ITF sees these events as just another example of
ITF researchers have contributed to an event looking at the key challenges facing informal and gig-economy transport workers. Organised by Rutgers University at the International Federation of Workers’ Education Associations, Cape Town, 2-4 December, the workshop included researchers from 10
The eight million workers from 142 unions in 78 countries of the ITF railway section family have pledged support for the four French unions starting an unlimited strike on the railways on 5 December 2019. The CGT, UNSA, CFDT and FO are taking the action to stop damaging changes that the government
Bonn – 2 Dec 2019: Representatives from global union federations, ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) and UNI (UNI Global Union), together with Deutsche Post DHL Group reaffirmed their commitment to continued dialogue under the umbrella of the new OECD protocol in 2020. The DPDHL Group