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Creating a better future for workers today.

By sharing our knowledge, experiences, research, tools and other resources, we can focus and unify our action, strengthen our collective voice and amplify our impact, to create a better future for workers, today.


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ITF & UITP: Positive Employer Gender Policy

The ITF and International Association of Public Transport (UITP) have signed a joint agreement to strengthen women’s employment in public transport. The two parties will now work with unions and

ITF Congress 2018: Theme Document

The Congress Theme Document recognises the impact that technology has on transport workers and we have to make policy choices to help our workers. Likewise, Singapore is not spared! Working together

Nairobi Bus Rapid Transit Report

This is the second report of research commissioned by the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) as a contribution to the ITF Our Public Transport (OPT) programme. The overall objectives of

Fatigue Among Panama Canal Tugboat Captains

A comprehensive independent report finds that a major incident on the Panama Canal could be imminent due to serious health and safety concerns related to the fatigue of tugboat captains.