The International Transport Workers’ Federation’s media team is part of a global movement, working with the world’s media to fight for workers’ rights.
Our team can assist journalists with enquiries on both international and UK issues, in multiple languages.
For non-media enquiries, please email
If you are a seafarer and you need help, please email
ITF to Uber in London: ‘now overhaul your business model.’
ITF to Uber in London: ‘now overhaul your business model.’
ITF to Uber in London: ‘now overhaul your business model.’
Unity, resistance and determination bring victory to dockers in Pakistan
Indonesian and Russian inland waterway accidents are avoidable tragedies
Press lunch invitation: Ryanair crew summit
ITF is raising the voice of workers to improve the lives of workers. The leadership, advocacy, campaigning and direct action of ITF and our affiliated unions – at country, regional and global levels – has had a significant and tangible impact on workers’ lives and futures, both improving local conditions and raising international standards.
We are a democratic, affiliate-led federation, connecting and leveraging the power of trade unions from 153 countries. Find out more.
Our spokespeople are experts in their field and can speak on a broad range of issues. Call the press team to arrange an interview.
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