The International Transport Workers’ Federation’s media team is part of a global movement, working with the world’s media to fight for workers’ rights.
Our team can assist journalists with enquiries on both international and UK issues, in multiple languages.
For non-media enquiries, please email
If you are a seafarer and you need help, please email
IBF Agrees a Temporary Extended Risk Zone in the Strait of Hormuz
Unions call foul play on Ryanair’s threatened job cuts
International unions throw support behind Australian wharfies as dispute with DP World escalates
Hutchison’s appalling safety record worsens as another worker is killed in Pakistan
Celebration of World Maritime Day leaves Australian seafarers out in the cold again
ITF and ETF call for worker representation on Ryanair’s board
ITF is raising the voice of workers to improve the lives of workers. The leadership, advocacy, campaigning and direct action of ITF and our affiliated unions – at country, regional and global levels – has had a significant and tangible impact on workers’ lives and futures, both improving local conditions and raising international standards.
We are a democratic, affiliate-led federation, connecting and leveraging the power of trade unions from 153 countries. Find out more.
Our spokespeople are experts in their field and can speak on a broad range of issues. Call the press team to arrange an interview.
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