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Seafarer home after four years thanks to union


An Indian seafarer has finally returned home, four years after being abandoned in Nigeria by his employer.

Chetanveer Singh, a third engineer known to his friends as Alex, was left without food and wages on the vessel MT Grand 1 in 2016. He contacted the International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN), which provided him with support.

Along with ISWAN, the National Seafarers Welfare Board of Nigeria (NSWB) and the Maritime Union of India (MUI) cooperated to help Mr Singh, and he returned to India February 2020.



Statement on earthquake in South-east Asia

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) is saddened at the news coming out of South-east Asia on the human cost of today’s earthquake. With the brunt of the force hitting Myanmar and