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ITF support for the RMT and its members


The International Transport Worker’s Federation (ITF) continues to pledge solidarity to the RMT and its campaign to fight for better working conditions on the UK railways. On 25 April 2018, the RMT held a rally marking the two year anniversary of this campaign. The following statement of solidarity was read out at the rally on behalf of the ITF.  

‘The ITF leadership, on behalf of 20 million transport workers worldwide, expresses full solidarity and support for the RMT, and its members, in the fight for UK railways.

25 April 2018 marks two years into the fight to defend jobs, security, accessibility and safety on the UK railways. The disputes that have taken place have been tough, and they will continue to be tough. However, everyone in the global trade union movement knows that RMT members are tough. 

And you are not alone in the fight.

The ITF and our affiliated unions are driving a global campaign for democratic control of public transport. All over the world, we are pushing back on privatisation and the race to the bottom. Together, we will stop privateers putting profit before people. We will stop them calling the shots. We will use our collective power to secure the future of workers and the public at large.

So as you fight for jobs, as you fight for safety, as you fight for justice in the future of the railways, your sisters and brothers from around the world are fighting with you, shoulder to shoulder.

You have the solidarity of the transport workers of the world.’

To read more on the action of our sisters and brothers at RMT, visit this page: