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ITF Ecuador action week builds pressure for Lopez reinstatement


The delegation of Argentinian, Chilean, Guyanese  and British civil aviation trade unionists were supporting LAN Ecuador workers (part of the LATAM Airlines Group) seeking union recognition for SITA and the reinstatement of Lopez, a LAN Ecuador cabin crew member who was sacked following a successful union recruitment drive.

The delegation spoke at the Quito International Women’s Day rally, leafleted airports, gave television and newspaper interviews, and held meetings with two government ministers, the vice president, three judges and six legal advisors to gain support for their call for justice.

Jimena Lopez said: “I would like to thank all the committee that came to my support. It was invaluable. All activities undertaken since the delegates arrived were very timely and very important and the visit created real impact and opened many doors.

“The government ministers and the court were very impressed by the ITF’s excellent and important work in countries and globally to organise women.”

Alison Mcgarry, ITF women transport workers co-ordinator, commented that the meeting she and Lopez held with labour minister Carlos Marx Carrasco was most productive. She reported that he was very supportive of women workers’ rights and had said of Jimena’s case “if Jimena wins we all win”, and was planning to lead a delegation to the ITF in London to learn more about the federation’s work.

She concluded that, thanks to the fantastic access and goodwill shown to them, the delegation had come away from Ecuador with renewed purpose and greater optimism in its campaign to win justice for Jimena.

Building on the successful International Women’s Day campaign , ITF affiliates will continue, with Ecuadorian government support, to campaign for Lopez’s speedy reinstatement.

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