Statement in support of ILWU Canada
ITF Dockers' Section Committee, Genoa
The ITF Dockers’ Section Committee, representing over 420,000 dockers around the world, offers full support to the ILWU Canada as they enter into the eighteenth month of negotiations with the British Columbia Maritime Employers Association (BCMEA).
The BCMEA has failed to negotiate in good faith with the ILWU Canada on key issues facing dockers and the broader community including the impact of technology and automation in the ports. On May 10, 2019, the ILWU Canada rank-and-file members gave their full support to the leadership with 98.4 percent voting in support of strike action.
It is unacceptable for the BCMEA to refuse to negotiate on key issues, including the introduction of any new technologies that could impact and/or result in job losses. An impact that will have repercussions on and off the waterfront including less economic spending power in the community, which leads to a reduction in tax revenue that can be used for public schools and other essential services.
We immediately call on BCMEA to return to the table and negotiate on the real issues at stake.
We send a strong and clear message of solidarity that there will be no introduction of automation and new technologies without negotiation and meaningful consultation with the ILWU Canada. Further, the ITF Dockers affiliates will take whatever action is necessary to support the ILWU Canada.