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ITF comment: International Women's Day

news Press Release

She continued: “Today also provides the opportunity to carry forward and report on two ITF initiatives: the launch of our Equality Testing in Transport Research, and the campaign for an ILO convention on violence and harassment in the workplace.”


ITF president Paddy Crumlin said: “These projects are part of the ITF’s continuing and deep-rooted mission to support and work with women transport workers. We will use the findings to develop collective bargaining strategies that will encourage employers to implement more policies and practices that promote gender equality, and aim to eliminate harassment and violence against women in the workplace. The results will also provide evidence of the need for an ILO convention on violence and harassment in the workplace.”


ITF general secretary Steve Cotton added: “We ask all unions and their members to get involved on International Women’s Day, and join us in the mission to win that deeply important ILO convention on violence and harassment. We invite anyone who wants to make a difference, today and every day, to visit and get involved now.”


The Equality Testing in Transport Research will be available in Arabic, French, English, Hindi, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Swedish.

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Pavel Krenk

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