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ITF applauds GMB court victory over Uber

news Press Release

Steve Cotton, ITF general secretary, said: “We congratulate the GMB and the drivers for standing up for what is not just right, but unarguably right. This is the latest victory by unions standing up to the company and its pretence that its workers are self-employed and undeserving of the protections that all workers should be guaranteed.”

ITF president Paddy Crumlin stated: “We are not opposed to new transport technologies, but we are opposed to a deceitful and exploitative business model that undermines the working conditions of drivers and the safety of the travelling public.”

“The news that Uber is planning yet another appeal shows that they refuse to learn from their defeats. The truth is that it’s time for them to reform and play fair, and stop trying to evade their responsibilities.”

For more details of Friday’s judgment see and For more on the earlier ruling see

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Pavel Krenk

It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Pavel Krenk, a revered leader in the global trade union community and long-serving chairman of the Czech Trade Union of Seafarers, who left us on 24