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ITF affiliates in Brazil set strategy for growth and advancing workers' rights


Building a strategy to empower Brazilian workers was the question being addressed in a high level leadership meeting in Rio yesterday.  As an outcome, the leaders attending who represent workers across all forms of transport in the country committed to work jointly to grow the number of organised workers.

Stephen Cotton ITF general secretary commented:

I am pleased to see that the senior and genuine leaders of the Brazilian unions come together in a such a way. The ITF is a forward thinking organisation not beholden to the past, these leaders have shown they have the same mentality. I’m confident we can build a stronger presence than ever in Brazil.”

Also attending the meeting were a number of potential new affiliates for the ITF. Since the Singapore Congress the ITF regions have seen many potential affiliates come forward wishing to join the organisation. At the October Executive Board in Montreal affiliates will hear about the various regional meetings that have taken place and how the ITF’s strategic directions are empowering workers as a result.

Ensuring that all ITF activities focus on growth, innovative campaigns and policy has been welcomed in the region. The ITF Rio Office has been playing a critical role in achieving this and has been gathering a lot of momentum thanks to the hard work and dedication of the local team.

The plan for Brazil will be presented to the Latin American Regional Committee later this month for endorsement by the regional leadership. As the ITF general secretary now holds the Chair of the Global Council of Unions  we are also working closely with the other Global Union Federations for an overarching strategy in Brazil.

Acting regional secretary from ITF Americas Office, Edgar Diaz also commented: “Building union power at this challenging political time is critical.  ITF in Brazil is now more present than ever before, growing stronger and spreading to every sector and region of the country.”