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The International Maritime Organisation

The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) is, a specialised agency of the United Nations


The global standard-setting authority for international shipping since 1958. Its main role is to create a regulatory framework for the global shipping industry that is just, fair and effective, universally adopted and implemented to create a level playing-field so that financial issues do not deter enhancing safety, security and environmental soundness.

It consists of member States, associated Members and observer organisations –inter-Governmental Organisations (IGOs) and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs).

The ITF in the IMO

NGOs, as observer delegations to IMO, participate in activities that are directly related to the purpose of the Organisation. The membership is granted when the entity is attested to its truly international nature and capability of making a substantial contribution to the work of IMO by providing technical expertise and advice.

The ITF, as a social partner, has been appreciated by diverse UN agencies. In the sphere of IMO, a regulatory body in the maritime, the ITF obtained its consultative status in 1961. We speak on behalf of more than 1 million international maritime workers by advocating maritime humans’ safety regardless of one’s geographical location. We acknowledge the profound roles and responsibilities assigned to us and have been striving ensure the safety and security of maritime individuals are fully considered at high regulatory level.

ITF delegates to the IMO come from all around the world and are of various backgrounds, gender and age groups. Such truly international and democratic attributes prove global maritime labour representation and ensure our voices are enshrined in the high-level legislation.

The ITF delegation attends all IMO bodies and actively participates in five Committees and seven Sub-committees throughout the year. According to the expertise of each delegate, Working, Drafting and Technical Groups under each Committee/Sub-Committee are attended. The ITF delegates’ hard work also includes continuous contribution to Correspondence Groups, Experts Groups and Editorial & Technical Groups.

The ITF Maritime Safety Committee

The ITF Maritime Safety Committee is a technical body of the Seafarers’ Section, established to represent seafarers’ interests within relevant maritime fora to promote ITF policies and secure the protection or enhancement of Seafarers’ rights and the working and living environment within the scope of the IMO and other relevant fora. The Committee prioritises projects to streamline the visions of the ITF and enhance seafarers’ safety and rights. Guidance principles to streamline the representation of the Committee are:

• Seafarers’ Rights and Criminalisation;

• Manning and Training;

• Occupational Health and Safety;

• Working and living conditions;

• Ship Safety;

• Security of Seafarers; and

• Consequences of Environmental Conventions.