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Legal Committee (LEG) -111th session

IMO Headquarters (London, UK)/ Hybrid


  • Provision of financial security in case of abandonment of seafarers, and shipowners' responsibilities (MLC*, 2006, as amended)
  • Fair treatment in a maritime accident
  • Fair treatment of seafarers detained on suspicion of committing [maritime] crimes
  • Guidelines for port State and flag State authorities on how to deal with seafarer abandonment cases
  • Fraudulent registration
  • Piracy and armed robbery against ships
  • Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS)

* Maritime Labour Convention

Who can attend

  • ITF Maritime Safety Committee experts elected
  • ITF affiliated union experts, endorsed for participation in this meeting*

*Consultation required prior to the meeting dates, email

09:30Monday 22 April
17:30Friday 26 April

Related Resources


ITF Seafarers Criminalisation Toolkit

Criminalisation is one of the most serious problems facing seafarers today. When there has been a maritime accident, or a pollution infringement, seafarers have often been detained and denied access