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Creating a better future for workers today.

By sharing our knowledge, experiences, research, tools and other resources, we can focus and unify our action, strengthen our collective voice and amplify our impact, to create a better future for workers, today.


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Remarkable women in Uganda

Reporting on the ‘ Remarkable Women Who Move the World’ work done by ITF with Women Mobilize Women (WMW), we look at the work done in Uganda. “In the beginning, there was a lot of disrespect. A

ILO Road Transport Guidelines Brief

The Guidelines are the product of several years of work by the ITF, beginning with preparation for an earlier meeting on safety and health in the road transport sector, held in 2015. At this meeting

Pandemic of Exploitation in European Trucking

Pandemic of exploitation in European trucking, is a joint VNB-ITF-IUF report highlighting how companies are exploiting Covid-19 to further cut transport prices, pay, conditions and health and safety

ITF Sanitation Charter

Safe access to decent sanitary facilities, sanitation systems, and most importantly the ability to use them when needed, is truly a global issue that is widely and deeply felt by all transport workers