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news Press Release

ITF Cabotage Taskforce welcomes Jones Act fine

The ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) Cabotage Taskforce, which is meeting in Oslo, Norway, today applauded the United States Department of Justice’s announcement that the company Furie Operating Alaska LLC has agreed to pay USD10 million ‘to satisfy a civil penalty originally assessed against it by US Customs and Border Protection for violating the Jones Act,’ America’s freight cabotage law.
news Press Release

ITF Cabotage Taskforce rejects Australia deregulation push

The ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) Cabotage Taskforce, which consists of unions from Canada, Norway, Brazil, Greece, Russia, Ukraine, USA, Nigeria, Australia, the Philippines and India, today blasted Australia’s Productivity Commission as entirely missing the point of having a national shipping fleet.

ITF calls for action to win inclusion of ILO role in UN women’s conference conclusions

The ITF and five other global unions are calling for trade unions, workers and the public urgently to lobby their governments to support the inclusion and retention of the full role of the International Labour Organization (ILO) in the agreed conclusions of the 61st session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW61).

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Rights 4 Riders

Just days after riders announced a global network established by the ITF, #Rights4Riders, to protest the company’s business model, Deliveroo is facing setbacks to its IPO listing on the London Stock