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ITF and IMEC celebrate 14 years of partnership

The ITF and IMEC (the International Maritime Employers’ Council) hosted their first ever joint public event in London, UK yesterday to share the lessons learnt during 14 years of working together. The meeting, Sustainable Partnerships in Shipping, brought together leading figures from across the world of seafaring and shipping to hear about the history – and the future – of cooperation between the two organisations.
news Press Release

Joint IMEC-ITF presentation tomorrow

There is still time for press and all other interested parties to register to attend IMEC (International Maritime Employers’ Council) and the ITF’s (International Transport Workers’ Federation) first every joint public event, in London tomorrow.
news Press Release

Türkiye’yi ziyaret eden ITF heyetinden uyarı: ‘hükümetin baskıcı uygulamaları büyük ihtimalle artacak’

Türkiye’de bulunan ITF (Uluslararası Taşımacılık İşçileri Federasyonu) heyeti, bugün yaptığı bir açıklamayla, hükümetin sendikacılara yönelik yeni bir baskı dalgası başlatmanın hazırlığı içinde olabileceği uyarısında bulundu. Bu uyarı, heyetin haksız yere hapsedilmiş olan sendikacı meslektaşlarını ziyaret etmelerine izin verilmemesi ve sendika üyelerine karşı polis şiddetinin sürüyor olmasıyla bağlantılı olarak yapıldı.
news Press Release

ITF mission to Turkey warns: ‘further government repression likely’

An ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) mission to Turkey today warned that the government there may be preparing a further wave of repression against trade unionists. The warning comes as the delegation was prevented from visiting unjustly imprisoned union colleagues, and amid continuing police violence against union members.

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Short explanatory text here talking to ITF impacts spanning the global, regional and sector specific to show why it matters and why the work of ITF is so important and needed for a fairer, more just world.
Impact stories

Rights 4 Riders

Just days after riders announced a global network established by the ITF, #Rights4Riders, to protest the company’s business model, Deliveroo is facing setbacks to its IPO listing on the London Stock
Impact stories

The Shwe Tun Aung Story

The story of an ordinary Burmese seafarer facing oppression at sea - Burmese Cowboy is the tale of Shwe Tun Aung and his journey around the world, opposing corrupt ship owners and a dangerous