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news Press Release

Huelga de Pilotos paraliza la operación de Avianca debido a su negativa a negociar de buena fe y a terminar con sus prácticas anti sindicales

98% de los/as pilotos sindicalizados votaron por la huelga. Avianca es una de las mas importantes líneas aéreas de la Región, en 2010 oficializó una alianza estratégica con otras empresas del grupo TACA, constituyendo el holding que hoy se llama Avianca Holdings S.A. lo que le ha ayudado a crecer en la industria, contando actualmente con 21,000 trabajadores y 100 destinos en 26 países de América y Europa
news Press Release

Werknemers van JICT intensiveren campagne om Hutchison-bedrijf Watsons voor arbeidersrechten te laten opkomen

Nadat Hutchison geweigerd had om te goeder trouw te onderhandelen, was het bij ITF aangesloten bedrijf, Serikat Pekerja Jakarta International Container Terminal (SPJICT), ertoe gedwongen zijn campagne te intensiveren. Vandaag hebben vakbondsleden en hun supporters in Jakarta de campagne verplaatst van de waterkant naar Watsons, het detailhandelsbedrijf voor gezondheids- en schoonheidsproducten dat in handen is van Hutchison.
news Press Release

La delibera dell’ECJ è una ‘sconfitta per Ryanair e una vittoria per i diritti dei lavoratori’

La Federazione Internazionale dei Lavoratori dei Trasporti (International Transport Workers’ Federation - ITF) e la Federazione Europea dei Lavoratori dei Trasporti (European Transport Workers’ Federation - ETF) hanno accolto favorevolmente come un’importante sconfitta per Ryanair un decreto della Corte di Giustizia Europea (European Court of Justice - ECJ) sui diritti dei lavoratori.
news Press Release

World rail union leaders condemn 'cowardly and contemptible' London attack

Representatives of railway workers’ trade unions from around the world meeting in London have condemned today’s bomb attack on a District Line underground train. The delegates, who are gathered at the ITF (International Transport Workers' Federation) rail section conference, described the incident as “cowardly and contemptible”.

Union challenge defeats Ryanair at ECJ

A case brought by cabin crew members with union support today defeated low cost airline Ryanair at the European Court of Justice. The Court ruled that disputes over a mobile worker’s contract of employment should be heard in the courts of the country from which they carry out their duties, not in Ireland as the airline had tried to insist.

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Impact stories

Rights 4 Riders

Just days after riders announced a global network established by the ITF, #Rights4Riders, to protest the company’s business model, Deliveroo is facing setbacks to its IPO listing on the London Stock
Impact stories

The Shwe Tun Aung Story

The story of an ordinary Burmese seafarer facing oppression at sea - Burmese Cowboy is the tale of Shwe Tun Aung and his journey around the world, opposing corrupt ship owners and a dangerous