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ITF condemns attacks on Argentinian railway workers

ニュース 18 Mar 2023

The ITF is appalled by recent attacks on Argentinian railway workers and the reckless and irresponsible actions of the employers which led to them.

Cancellations and severe disruption to Argentina’s railways have been caused by mismanagement and underinvestment, not workers. But instead of taking responsibility, management has chosen to lay the blame on the workers.

This disgraceful scapegoating has led to attacks on railway staff by a number of furious passengers, which left many with serious injuries. 

“We must be very clear,” said David Gobé, ITF Railway Workers’ Section Chair. “Railway workers and the travelling public have the same interests, and decent pay and conditions mean a better experience for passengers. Proper investment means good jobs for workers, and better services for the public.”

We unreservedly condemn the attacks on Argentinian railway workers. We are clear about where the blame lies: with the employers and politicians who refuse to take responsibility for their failings and with the Argentine authorities who refuse to give Argentina’s railways the investment and funding that they need and which the Argentinian people deserve.

Actions by employers which compromise the safety of railway workers are disgraceful in and of themselves, but they also offer no solutions to the travelling public who are rightly frustrated by poor service provision.

Today at the ITF Railway Workers’ Conference of the ITF, meeting in Johannesburg, South Africa, rail unions passed a motion aimed at coordinating solidarity with all transport workers facing attacks on their basic democratic rights, and to facilitate greater information sharing between affiliates on campaigns and initiatives that help build the case for greater investment in public transport and the need for public ownership.

The motion submitted by the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT), ‘Defending jobs, pay and conditions on rail and winning the battle for public investment and public ownership’ will see the ITF strengthen and expand the global ITF Safe and Sustainable Railway campaign. The campaign will continue to condemn those governments which act on behalf of private rail companies, seeking to cut staff, outsource services, impose new working arrangements and greater automation at the expense of jobs, safety and accessibility.


ニュース 28 May 2024


国際運輸労連 (ITF) は便宜置籍国( FOC )のリストに新たに 2 カ国を加えた。  新たに加わったガボンとエスワティニは、いわゆる「ダークフリート」と深く関係しているとみられている。  一方、トンガは 76 年前から続いている FOC リストから削除され、 FOC の総数は 43 となった。   ITF の パディ・クラムリン会長は次のようにコメントした。
ニュース 27 May 2024


 2024 年 5 月 9 日、アルゼンチン労働総同盟( CGT )とアルゼンチン中央労働組合( CTA )の交通運輸労組は、反労働者の法律に抗議するためにゼネストに加わった。  右派のハビエル・ミレイ大統領は賃金・労働条件の規制緩和を目的に 366 本の法律を改正し、必要緊急法令( DNU )を通じてアルゼンチン航空などの公営企業の民営化を進めようとしている。  交通運輸労組は DNU
ニュース 27 May 2024


 ITF は、公共交通部門の自動化やデジタル化による人員削減や業務再編の影響がいかに女性労働者に及んでいるかに関する調査 報告書 を発表した。  新技術は、新たな仕事の機会をもたらすなど、女性労働者に利益をもたらす可能性もある。しかし、切符販売や案内業務に従事する女性は、それらの仕事が廃止されるリスクにさらされるため、自動化の影響を大きく受けることとなる。  この報告書では